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BCMA Influence: Life As An Influencer – Dean Anthony Gratton

Life As An Influencer is a ‘behind the scenes’ view of the often hectic world of influencer marketing. This week we hear from Dean Anthony Gratton, a technology futurist and influencer.

How did you get started?

Completely, by accident! You see, my wife, Sarah (@grattongirl) had been on Twitter for around six months or so and she was building a healthy following. Sarah mentioned to me that I should also sign up and ‘give it a go’ and, not feeling at all pressured, so I did.

Like Sarah, in the early days, I didn’t recognise Twitter’s value, but working with hashtags to steer my content and engagement, I started to develop a conversation about topics of interest for myself and my audience and I slowly began to understand its power.

Who/what has been your biggest influence?

I suppose Twitter has become my greatest influence, since I seemingly have direct access to many technology giants where I can engage first-hand and have access to knowledge that isn’t ordinarily available elsewhere. With Twitter, it almost seems as if you are in the same office of your favourite technology company having a one-to-one with the guy on the opposite desk.

My wife, of course, has been my greatest supporter and influencer, but I also admire the minds, work and influence of both Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins, where their merciless beliefs have underpinned my ideology, influenced how I write and think,  and how I ultimately perceive the world.

What platform has been most effective for you and why?

I dare say, I’ve made that abundantly clear! Yes, Twitter is an amazing platform and an effective tool that allows me to reach my audience in a succinct and immediate manner that, not only resonates, but instigates the start of a stimulating conversation.

What has been your biggest achievement so far?

It has to be my first book, Bluetooth Profiles: The Definitive Guide, which continues to sell well today. It was amazing to see my ramblings come to life in hardback and to experience the joy of holding it in my hands when it was published. I didn’t stop there either: After such an initial rush, I wanted to write another and, as such, have authored several more books covering wireless technology – as you do!

Where do you see the industry in 5 years time?

I think more regulations will be put in to place to monitor brand collaborations with influencers and to ensure proper transparency, not just for the influencer, but the consumers who might witness such endorsements and so on. This is long overdue and will become quite an arduous and contentious process.

What is the optimum number of subscribers/followers that you can manage?

I don’t want to state a particular number as being optimum. Rather, I think it’s about how many you can keep actively engaged with your content for as long as they continue to find it of value. Other than that, the sky’s the limit!

If you had one wish what would it be?

My wish is to leave a legacy that continues long after I do and that adds value to future generations.

Dean is an accredited BCMA Ambassador member

Originally published in The BCMA.


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a technology influencer, analyst & futurist 

I dispel the rumours, gossip and hype surrounding new technology

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