Bluetooth: Its Incredible Journey
Covid19: The Future of Engagement
The Fall of Innovation
An IoT PaaS: My Implementation Quest
One Thing We Do Know About 5G: It’s Inevitable!
2017: Predictions of a Futurist
Who needs Santa when you have Skype?
The Strange World of Skype Bots
Shrugging off the bugs: Exploring consumer complacency
Connecting the cows, chickens and sheep through the IoT
Skype looks to you to Shoot the Future
Mobile World Congress: The Greatest Smartphone Show on Earth!
The Hottest Consumer Tech Predictions of 2016
Top five reasons 2015 has been an awesome year for Skype
The Industry Highs and Lows of 2015
Time Will Tell: The Apple Watch Revisited
Going Back to the Future with Skype
Why we shouldn’t hang up on the landline
ARMed for broadcast technology success
Hold that flight, I’ve got Skype!